Maxima’s MDCV Series are manufactured in SS304 and SS316 material. Disc Check Valves are used as non return valves for various fluid lines, including steam and condensate. These disc check valves are primarily used after steam traps, which are in a closed loop system, so as to prevent the backflow conditions. If we don’t use these after the steam traps, the capacity of steam trap reduces in case of back pressure getting developed at the outlet of steam traps. The valves are manufactured as sandwiched end connections, making it compact and easy to install and commission.



Size Range
15 NB, 20 NB, 25 NB, 40 NB, 50 NB, 65 NB, 80 NB, 100 NB

End Connections
Sandwich between the flanges, Flanged #150, Flanged #300

Maximum Operating Pressure
25 Bar(g)

Maximum Operating Temperature
538 Deg C

Material of Construction