Steam is used in plants at different pressures, and when it is used in processes, it condenses as well as generates flash steam at lower pressure, which can be separated out by using a flash vessel. The quantity of flash steam depends upon the inlet steam pressure, which can go as high as 8%. This steam can be used instead of being discharged to the atmosphere.

Ideally, flash vessels are used along with condensate pumps. They are installed before the condensate pump and the flash steam is separated just before the pump. This flash steam can be reused for low pressure applications in the plant, and in the boiler house for heating the feed water tank.

Maxima’s Flash Vessels can help improve steam efficiency as well as ensure huge savings in any steam system.



Size Range
150 NB, 200 NB, 250 NB, 300 NB, 400 NB

End Connections
Flanged #150

Maximum Operating Pressure
14 Bar(g)

Maximum Operating Temperature
200 Deg C

Material of Construction
Carbon Steel