Problem Solution Benefits
Getting Steam at the rated Capacity and Pressure Steam Boilers / Thermic Fluid Heaters Boilers and heaters of optimum capacity can help in efficient steam production. Correctly designed boilers can help save production and fuel costs greatly
Problem Solution Benefits
Pressure Drop due to Peak Load Conditions Steam Accumulator Ensures flashing of high-pressure water to steam and provide to the process during peak load conditions ensuring no steam pressure drop
Boiler Efficiency Efficiency Monitoring System Ensures adequate combustion through I/D and FD control systems
Non Uniform Blowdown Auto Blowdown System Adequate blowdown eliminates scale carry over and heat loss optimization via blowdown
Lower Feed Water Temperature Feedwater Management System Directly reduces fuel consumption
Water Carryover Moisture Separator Ensures removal of moisture carry over to the process resulting in dry steam to the process which helps in improving productivity, quality and fuel saving as well
Problem Solution Benefits
Improper Removal of Condensate at the Time of Press Holding when Inlet Steam Valve is Closed Pumping Trap Pumping trap ensures that this is no hold up of condensate in the press even when the press is in hold condition, this ensures quality product with no rejections and optimized batch timings
Press Operation is Manual which Leads to Manual Errors and Optimization is Not Possible Press Automation

Press automation ensures that the quality of produce is uniform withzero rejects

Also takes care of manual errors

The entire process is optimised with respect to batch timings

Problem Solution Benefits
Speed of Production, Mostly 200 to 250 RPM, Mainly due to Condensate Holdup Selection of Proper Application Traps We will achieve speed of production as high as 500 RPM as no condensate hold up will be there by having proper float traps installed in the dryers
Proper Sizing of Traps We need to ensure that in the first two sections we have higher capacity of float traps instead of keeping same sized traps for all section as the load will be highest in the first two section and this will improve overall heating efficiency
Individual Trapping Ensure we have individual trapping for each section of heating coil and sections
Problem Solution Benefits
Long Time for Curing due to Condensate Holdup Properly Sized Float Traps Installing proper sized Float traps will reduce the curing time by 50 %
Humidity Control Sensors Humidity control will ensure that the chambers are heated to the right moment and will enhance quality of curing and optimizing of Steam consumption
Problem Solution Benefits
Many Plant have Condensate Recovery Factor as 50 to 60 % Condensate Recovery Pump For a typical plywood plant we can achieve condensate recovery factor to the tune of 95 % which will ensure big fuel savings and reduce water comsumption
Problem Solution Benefits
Most of the Plants are not Recovering Flash Steam and Condensate Condensate should be Recovered by Online Steam Operated Condensate Recovery System It helps in reduction of makeup water consumption, no need to recover evaporator water where chances of contamination are much higher. All indirect injection will lead to Condensate Recovery Factor of 95%


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